Home SalesforceCode Management Migrating Salesforce Metadata with Git

Migrating Salesforce Metadata with Git

by Dhanik Lal Sahni
Salesforce Metadata with Git

Git is the most widely used version control system in the world, with over 88% of developers adopting it. Regarding Salesforce development, Git is crucial in managing and migrating Salesforce metadata efficiently. Git provides a robust and reliable platform for version control, allowing developers to track changes, collaborate effectively, and maintain the integrity of their codebase. Salesforce developers can easily manage and track their code assets, ensuring a streamlined development process.

In this article, we’ll learn how to leverage Git’s capabilities and how developers can manage and migrate Salesforce metadata effectively, leading to a more efficient and reliable development process.

What is Salesforce Metadata?

Salesforce Metadata refers to the configuration and customization settings that define the behaviour and appearance of a Salesforce org. It includes various components such as custom objects, fields, page layouts, workflows, approval processes, reports, and dashboards.

Why is Salesforce Metadata essential?

  • It determines how the platform functions and how users interact. It allows administrators and developers to tailor Salesforce to their business requirements, creating a unique and personalized user experience.
  • Metadata is critical for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data within the org. 
  • Administrators can establish automated processes and enforce data rules by configuring and customizing objects, fields, and workflows, improving data quality and integrity.

The Benefits of Version Control in Salesforce Development

Managing Salesforce metadata changes can be challenging, especially in complex orgs with multiple developers working simultaneously. Tracking and managing changes becomes more accessible with a proper version control system, leading to potential issues and conflicts.

Key benefits of using version control for Salesforce metadata

  •  Having a centralized and organized repository for all changes. With a Git repository and a well-defined folder structure, developers can easily track and manage their code assets. This enables them to collaborate effectively, merge code changes seamlessly, and ensure clean and accurate code during software development.
  • Version control also provides a comprehensive version control history, making it easier to revert to a previous version if needed. This allows developers to test different configurations and roll back deployments if any issues arise. 
  • Git offers code reviews, code quality checks, and environment variables, ensuring the codebase remains stable and secure.

Organizations can streamline their development process by adopting version control for Salesforce Metadata and establishing a single source of truth for all changes. This allows for better collaboration, improved code integrity, and a smoother release process.

Setting Up Git for Salesforce Metadata Migration

Setting up Git for Salesforce metadata migration is crucial in streamlining and managing your development process. 

To begin initialize a Git repository for Salesforce projects. This involves creating a new repository or cloning an existing one from a remote repository.

Setup Repository

Setting up a repository establishes a central source of truth for your codebase. Use the following command to create an empty repository or reinitialize an existing one.

git init

Next, it’s essential to configure the .gitignore file to exclude Salesforce-specific files that don’t need to be tracked, such as log files, credentials, and temporary files. This ensures a clean and concise version control history. Add the below content in .getignore

# Salesforce-specific ignores
# Local development files


# Salesforce package files


# Specific Salesforce metadata types


# Temporary files & directories


With Git, you can use its essential features like version control, branch management, and seamless collaboration. You can easily branch off the master branch to work on specific features or bug fixes and merge your changes back into the master branch when they’re ready.

Steps to Migrate Salesforce Metadata with Git

Migrating Salesforce metadata with Git has become essential for organizations looking to streamline their development processes, enhance code quality, and ensure the seamless delivery of customizations and configurations. Here are 3 steps:

1. Cloning the Salesforce Metadata into a local Git repository

Start cloning your Salesforce project into a local repository using Git. This will create a local copy of your metadata, allowing you to track and work on changes offline. Use the following command

git clone [repository-url]

2. Making changes and committing them to the repository

Once you set up the local repository, you can change your Salesforce metadata files. Use Git to track these changes by creating commits. Each commit represents a snapshot of your codebase at a specific point in time. Use the following command:

git add [file-name or .]

3. Pushing changes to a remote Git repository for collaboration

To collaborate with others or to back up your code, push your local commits to a remote Git repository. This allows team members to access and review your changes. It also is a backup in case your local repository gets lost or corrupted.

git add .
git commit -m "Descripition of Changes"
git push origin features/my-feature-branch

Using Salesforce DX with Git

Using Salesforce DX with Git allows seamless version control integration into your Salesforce development process. Salesforce DX has a set of tools and features designed to enhance the development and deployment experience on the Salesforce platform. Here’s how:

Set up Salesforce DX for Git integration

This involves installing the Salesforce CLI and connecting it to your Salesforce org. Once connected, you can create a new project using the Salesforce DX project structure.
# This is a general instruction; the installation method may vary based on your OS.

Installing the Salesforce CLI

npm install sfdx-cli --global

Logging in to your Salesforce Org

sfdx force:auth:web:login --setdefaultusername

Creating a new project with the Salesforce DX project structure

sfdx force:project:create --name your_project_name
cd your_project_name

Migrate your Salesforce metadata using Salesforce DX commands

The Salesforce CLI provides commands for retrieving and deploying metadata, making it easy to work with Git. You can retrieve metadata from your org and commit it to your local Git repository. Similarly, you can deploy changes from your local repository to your org.

Retrieving metadata from your Salesforce org

sfdx force:source:retrieve --sourcepath path/to/metadata_folder_or_file

Committing the retrieved metadata to your local Git repository

git add -A
git commit -m "Retrieved latest metadata from Salesforce org"

Deploying metadata from your Git repository to Salesforce org

sfdx force:source:deploy --sourcepath path/to/metadata_folder_or_file

Using Salesforce DX with Git offers several benefits. It provides a centralized version control system, allowing team members to collaborate. It also offers a comprehensive version control history, making it easy to track changes and roll back deployments if needed. Additionally, it enables quick and efficient deployments, reducing the need for manual intervention during the release process.

Visit the Salesforce CLI installation page for more details.

Best Practices for Metadata Migration

Following best practices can help you streamline your metadata migration process with Git, improving collaboration, code stability, and deployment reliability. Here’s how:

1. Organizing Metadata components in Git

When using Git for Salesforce metadata migration, it is crucial to establish a clear and organized folder structure. Create separate folders for each metadata component (e.g., Apex classes, Visualforce pages) to keep your code assets clean and easy to track. This will help in managing and tracking changes efficiently.

2. Handling merge conflicts during Metadata migration

In a collaborative environment, multiple team members may work on the same codebase simultaneously. Git provides features such as branching and merging to handle conflicts that may arise during code merging. It is essential to ensure proper communication and coordination among team members to avoid conflicts and resolve them promptly when they occur.

3. Continuous integration and deployment for Salesforce Metadata

Implementing a continuous integration (CI) and deployment process can enhance the efficiency and reliability of your metadata migration with Git. By integrating Git with CI tools like Jenkins or Travis CI, you can automate the deployment process, perform code quality checks, and ensure smooth transitions between development environments.

Challenges in Migrating Salesforce Metadata with Git

Migrating Salesforce metadata with Git presents a unique set of challenges and complexities that require careful consideration. Here are challenges that can arise and how to overcome them:

Dealing with Metadata Dependencies

Salesforce metadata components can have complex interdependencies. When migrating metadata with Git, it is essential to effectively consider and manage these dependencies. Ensure all dependent components are migrated together to avoid deployment errors or broken functionality. 

Documenting these dependencies and understanding your metadata structure comprehensively will help streamline the migration process.

Handling significant Metadata Components

Salesforce metadata can include large files, such as static resources or Lightning component bundles. These large files can slow the Git repository, making clones or push changes difficult. Managing significant metadata components requires careful planning and consideration. 

Using Git-lfs (Large File Storage) is recommended to handle large binary files efficiently and prevent unnecessary slowdowns.

Addressing Metadata changes from Multiple Developers

Multiple developers may simultaneously work on different metadata components in a collaborative development environment. This can result in changes to the duplicate metadata files simultaneously, leading to conflicts during code merging. Establishing clear communication channels and implementing proper version control workflows is crucial to address these conflicts effectively. 

Regular code reviews, team meetings, and continuous integration practices help minimize conflicts and ensure smooth collaboration.

Tools and Extensions to Aid in Migration

The following tools can help further troubleshoot and ensure smooth migration using Git.

Salesforce Migration Assistant

An official tool from Salesforce that simplifies migrating metadata between Salesforce environments.

Git and GitHub

Essential tools for version control. GitHub provides a cloud-based hosting service that lets you manage Git repositories.

Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface)

A powerful command-line tool from Salesforce that allows developers to control the whole application lifecycle of their Salesforce apps.


An automation server used for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in software projects, integrating with Salesforce and Git for automated metadata deployment.

Ant Migration Tool

A Java-based command-line utility for moving metadata between a local directory and a Salesforce organization.

Visual Studio Code with Salesforce Extensions

Visual Studio Code, equipped with the Salesforce Extension Pack, provides a rich development environment for Salesforce, including support for Git integration.


A complete Salesforce release management solution that offers automated deployments, continuous integration, and more, with support for Git.

Final Thoughts

Migrating Salesforce metadata with Git offers numerous benefits and is an essential practice for Salesforce developers. With Git, developers can document and understand their metadata structure, ensuring that all dependent components are migrated together, avoiding deployment errors and broken functionality. 

Git-lfs enables efficient handling of large binary files, preventing slowdowns in the repository. Additionally, establishing clear communication channels and implementing version control workflows help address conflicts during code merging, promoting smooth collaboration.

If developers incorporate Git into the development process, they can achieve centralized version control, comprehensive version control history, and clean code backup. This ensures accurate tracking of changes, easy rollback deployments, and quick deployment of code assets.

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Need Help?

Need some kind of help in implementing this feature, connect on my LinkedIn profile Dhanik Lal Sahni.

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