This post will use Trestle Reverse Phone API to validate phone numbers and provide customer’s demographic information like age, addresses, all phone numbers.
- ApexArchitectureIntegrationSalesforce
Automating data synchronization between Salesforce and Amazon Seller
This post will integrate Salesforce and Amazon Seller to automate data synchronization for e-commerce businesses.
- ApexArchitectureCertificationIntegrationintegration architectureSalesforce
Shopify integration with Salesforce using Webhook
We need to integrate external systems to pull information. In this post, we will do Shopify integration with Salesforce using Webhook to pull customer data.
Business need verified customers so that they can share important information with them. This post will verify phone using Flow Http Callout with VeriPhone API
We use different AWS services in Salesforce for different use cases. This post will explain how to generate an authentication token using AWS Signature 4 Signing in Salesforce Apex.
We use Salesforce files to store documents in our org. This post will give step-by-step information on Salesforce DropBox Integration to upload files.
URL Shortening is required when we send email with URL link or sending SMS to customers. This post will give detail on using Cuttly Url Shortener in Salesforce.
Salesforce has four asynchronous apex which can handle long running job. This post will explain where to avoid batch apex and use Queueable Class instead.
Einstein Vision API help to extract text from different image format. This post will help in extracting driver license detail from Image using Einstein API.
This blog will give detail to get a refresh token and access token from Google API. This access token can be used to integrate Google API with Salesforce.
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