Serialization is a process of converting an apex object into stream of bytes so that it can be transferred over a network or stored in a salesforce record. Deserialization is the …
Verified phone is required by many clients for their business use case. Verified phone helps business to give their services to valid customers. Below are some reason where business are …
Apex code coverage is important when we move code from one Sandbox to other or production environment. In sandbox environment, we can move code without minimum code coverage but for …
A single Salesforce orgs can be utilized by multiple clients. If our clients are calling Salesforce APIs for data upload, data creation etc or we are calling client system to …
In some real-time use cases, we need to convert the date time of one time-zone to the date time of another timezone. This post will show how to convert Datetime …
Nowadays organizations are going for digital automation for most of their repetitive work like manual records entries from printed forms. This manual entry requirement can be for the application form, …
I am using google fit android app for my daily fitness activity monitoring. Based on this, I thought of integrating Google Fitbit with Salesforce. This blog will give step by …
This blog will give detail to get a refresh token and access token from Google API. This access token can be used to integrate Google API with Salesforce.
Customer engagement is very important for digital transformation. WhatsApp is one of the customer engagement channels to send quick notifications to customers.