We mostly have requirements to upload files in file storage servers like AWS S3 Server, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. This post will help in uploading files to S3 Server. We …
Integration with external system is very common requirement in Salesforce application. For this we can go for declarative external service or create apex class for each type of integration. Declarative …
Salesforce Bulk API is used primarily for data migration or data upload. Bulk API has two versions to support data upload. Bulk API V1.0 is custom REST API and V2.0 …
- ArchitectureCertificationintegration architectureSalesforce
UML Sequence Diagram for Salesforce Integration
UML Sequence diagram is important for Salesforce Integration with third party system. It will give step by step execution of complete integration based on activity time. Let us see UML …
Cohesion and Coupling are essences of a good design process. The system should be decomposed into many modules to make it manageable for system changes. Projects which are well-designed are …
Cohesion and Coupling are essences of a good design process. The system should be decomposed into many modules to make it manageable in system changes. Projects which are well-designed are …
We have two approaches to build web applications in current time: Traditional web applications and Single page applications (SPAs). Traditional web applications perform most of the application logic on the server side whereas single page …
The Liskov Substitution Principle states that subtypes must be substitutable for their base types. In order to substitute work, child class must not Remove base class behavior Violate base class …
Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification. According to this principle, component should be Open to ExtensionNew behavior can be added in …
According to Wikipedia the Dependency Inversion Principle (popularized by Robert Martin) states that: High Level Modules should not be depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions. Abstraction …