Recently we were having a requirement for getting text from audio or video file. These audios were majorly from customer calls with agents. Once we get text from audio files , we can review those conversions. We can check how agents are discussing with customers. This will increase customer happiness. There are many solutions available for converting audio/video file to text. Some of major solutions are below Google Speech API Amazon Transcribe Microsoft Speech API Watson Speech to Text This post is using Google Speech API to transcribe audio file into text. This audio file is attached in case record. …
Author: Dhanik Lal Sahni
How to Download Files from S3 Server using Apex and Lightning Component Downloading or reading files from S3 server is required most of time in our Salesforce projects. This post will explain how we can download files from AWS S3 Server and show using Lightning component. We can download files using two ways. Using S3 API in Apex and Lighting Component Using AWS Java Script SDK in Lightning Component 1. Using S3 API in Apex and Lighting Component To download file using Apex, we have to use HTTP Callout with uploaded file URL. As in our last post How to Upload…
Top 20 Salesforce Developer Interview Questions This post has the top 20 questions related to Salesforce integration and asynchronous apex. Asynchronous apex and integration are very important for processing large data sets. Salesforce Developer Interview Questions 1. Why do we need integration in Salesforce? Ans. Integration comes into the picture when some interaction is required from an external system. Let us take an example, we want to validate the address of the account record. This can be done using Google address validation or smarty street API integration. 2. What are the types of integration patterns in salesforce? Ans. Pattern Description…
How to Upload Files to S3 Server using Apex Uploading and Reading files from AWS S3 server is one of frequently used requirement in Salesforce project. This post will give complete detail, how to write files of current record to S3 Server using Apex. Important information about writing file to S3 Server. We require Write permission on bucket If multiple files with same name saved on destination, then it will override last uploaded file. Use Content-MD5 for transport security We can use AWS inbuild encryption or custom encryption logic also work while writing file to S3 server We should provide access level…
Factory Design Pattern Factory Design Pattern is one of important design pattern which falls under Creational Design Patterns of Gang Of Four. This pattern takes responsibility of creating object. Factory Design Pattern implements loose coupling by implementing abstract entities rather than concrete implementations. Above diagram shows a common scenario using an example of a service request factory which is able to generate two types , case creation and address changes for any account. Actual implementation for case creation and address changes is done in respective classes. ServiceRequestFactory will return object based on service type. Implement above Scenario in Salesforce Apex: 1. Create…
1. What is EmptyResult in MVC? EmptyResult is used when you want to execute logic return inside the controller action method but does not want any result back to the view. 2. What is difference between returning EmptyResult and Null? There is no functional difference between both. When we return NULL then also it return EmptyResult internally. We should use EmptyResult as it communicates more clearly that your action returns nothing. 3. Can we overload controller methods in ASP.NET MVC? We can use ActionName attribute to overload action method. public ActionResult LoadCustomer() { return Content(“LoadCustomer”); } [ActionName(“LoadCustomerbyName”)] public ActionResult LoadCustomer(string…
While working on real time projects, we normally create so many intefaces, clasess and using unmanged resources like DB connection, files operation etc. To manage performance of the application these resources should be freed on time. We can cleanup those resources using Dispose and Finalize methods. Class instances encapsulate control over resources that are not managed by the runtime, such as window handles (HWND), database connections, and so on. Therefore, we should provide both an explicit and an implicit way to free those resources. We should provide implicit control by implementing the protected Finalize on an object.The Finalize method is called when our object is garbage collected and…
Cohesion and Coupling are essences of a good design process. The system should be decomposed into many modules to make it manageable for system changes. Projects which are well-designed are rarely in trouble with system changes. These changes should be properly reviewed and recognized. Read the first part of this topic here. Coupling Coupling is the measure of the degree of interdependence between modules. Two modules with high coupling are strongly interconnected and thus, dependent on each other. Two modules with low coupling are not dependent on one another. Lossely coupled systems are made up of modules which are relatively…
Cohesion and Coupling are essences of a good design process. The system should be decomposed into many modules to make it manageable in system changes. Projects which are well-designed are rarely in trouble in system changes. These changes should be properly reviewed and recognized. If software system is not properly modularized, then it will create problem when sytems changes are required. A good software design help in clean decomposition of a problem into modules and arrangement of these modules. Therefor system analyst, should must design application with goal of high cohesion and low coupling. As this topic is big for…
We have two approaches to build web applications in current time: Traditional web applications and Single page applications (SPAs). Traditional web applications perform most of the application logic on the server side whereas single page applications (SPAs) perform most of the user interface logic in a web browser. Single Page Application communicate with the web server primarily using web APIs. When to Choose Traditional Web Pages We can use below factor to use Traditional Web Pages. 1. Application is simple and very less user interaction Many web application has very less user interaction like, where user only search any query and they get result in result box…