Home Salesforce Salesforce Winter 20 Release – Feature Enhancements For Development

Salesforce Winter 20 Release – Feature Enhancements For Development

by Dhanik Lal Sahni
Lot of enhancements done for development using Lightning components, Visualforce, Apex, or APIs in Winter 20 release. New enhancements help us develop amazing applications, integrations, and packages for resale to other organizations.

Lightning Web Components: Open Source

Lightning Web Components framework is now open source. This will empower to build enterprise-ready web components on any platform. On the Salesforce Platform, you can add a Lightning web component as a custom tab in a Lightning Experience app and in the Salesforce app.

How to do this: Check lwc.dev for complete understanding of framework.

Add Lightning Web Components as Custom Tabs

We can make a Lightning web component available as a custom tab in a Lightning Experience app and in the Salesforce app.
How to do this:
  1. Add the lightning__Tab target to the component’s configuration file. The <component>.js-meta.xml configuration file defines the metadata values for the component, including the setting to allow usage in a custom tab.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <LightningComponentBundle xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
  2. Create a custom tab for this component.
  3. To display the component in a custom tab:
    • For a Lightning Experience app, add the component to the App Launcher.
    • For the Salesforce mobile app, add the component to the Salesforce app navigation menu.

Share CSS Style Rules

We can share CSS style rules in multiple lightning web component. To share CSS,  create a component that contains only a CSS file. Import the style rules from that CSS file into the CSS files of other Lightning web components.


  1. Create a Lightning web component that contains only a CSS file.
    /* cssLibrary.css */
    h1 {
        font-size: xx-large;
  2. In the CSS file of another Lightning web component, import the style rules.
    /* myComponent.css */
    @import 'cssLibrary.css';
  3. Imported style rules are applied to the template just like non-imported style rules. In the myComponent.html template, the text in the <h1> tag uses the xx-large style defined in cssLibrary.css.
    <!-- myComponent.html -->
      <h1>Words to the Wise</h1>

DOM API Changes

Shadow DOM is a standard that encapsulates the internal document object model (DOM) structure of a web component. The internal DOM structure is called the shadow tree. In Winter ’20, code can’t use documentor document.bodyto access the shadow tree of a Lightning web component.
Per the Shadow DOM specification, elements in a shadow tree aren’t accessible via traditional DOM querying methods. To access its own shadow tree, a Lightning web component uses this.template.querySelector().
For example, code in a test can’t call document.querySelector()to select nodes in a Lightning web component’s shadow tree.
How to do this : 
In Winter ’20, Document.prototype and HTMLBodyElement.prototypeupdated to respect shadow DOM semantics. Remove below code that uses DOM APIs to reach into a component’s shadow tree.
  • Document.prototype.getElementById
  • Document.prototype.querySelector
  • Document.prototype.querySelectorAll
  • Document.prototype.getElementsByClassName
  • Document.prototype.getElementsByTagName
  • Document.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS
  • Document.prototype.getElementsByName
  • Document.body.querySelector
  • Document.body.querySelectorAll
  • Document.body.getElementsByClassName
  • Document.body.getElementsByTagName
  • Document.body.getElementsByTagNameNS

Lightning Components Can Access Apex Methods Only in the Same Package

A Lightning component installed from a package can’t call an Apex method from an Apex class in another package, even if both packages are in the same namespace. You can’t use the @NamespaceAccessible Apex annotation in an Apex method referenced from a Lightning component.

How: This table shows the access differences for public @AuraEnabled Apex methods in a Lightning component in second-generation managed packages.

Annotation Winter ’20 Access Summer ’19 Access
public (no @NamespaceAccessible) Same package only Same namespace
public (with @NamespaceAccessible) Error Same namespace

Aura Components in the ui Namespace Are Being Retired

The ui components are scheduled for retirement in all Salesforce orgs in Summer ’21. Use similar components in the lightningnamespace instead.
Replace the retired components with their counterparts in the lightning namespace. These components are faster, more efficient, and they implement Lightning Design System styling out of the box.
Use these recommended alternatives for the retired Aura components.
Winter’20 and Earlier Summer 21
ui:actionMenuItem lightning:menuItem and lightning:buttonMenu
ui:button lightning:buttonlightning:buttonIconlightning:buttonIconStateful and lightning:buttonGroup.
ui:checkboxMenuItem lightning:menuItem and lightning:buttonMenu
ui:inputCheckbox  lightning:input using checkboxtoggle, or checkbox-button type. lightning:checkboxGroup for group.
ui:inputCurrency lightning:input using number type and currency formatter
ui:inputDate lightning:input using date type.
ui:inputDateTime lightning:input using datetime type.
ui:inputDefaultError lightning:input using built-in field validation
ui:inputEmail lightning:input using email type
ui:inputNumber lightning:input using number type
ui:inputPhone lightning:input using phone type
ui:inputRadio lightning:input using radio type
ui:inputRichText lightning:inputRichText
ui:inputSecret lightning:input using password type
ui:inputSelect lightning:select or lightning:combobox.
ui:inputSelectOption lightning:select or lightning:combobox.
ui:inputText lightning:input using text type.
ui:inputTextArea lightning:textarea
ui:inputURL lightning:input using url type.
ui:menu lightning:buttonMenu
ui:menuItem lightning:menuItem and lightning:buttonMenu.
ui:menuItemSeparator lightning:menuDivider and lightning:buttonMenu.
ui:menuList lightning:menuItem and lightning:buttonMenu.
ui:menuTrigger lightning:menuItem and lightning:buttonMenu.
ui:menuTriggerLink lightning:menuItem and lightning:buttonMenu
ui:message lightning:notificationsLibrary
ui:outputCheckbox lightning:input using checkbox type and set readonly to true.
ui:outputCurrency lightning:formattedNumber using style set to currency
ui:outputDate lightning:formattedDateTime
ui:outputDateTime lightning:formattedDateTime or lightning:formattedTime.
ui:outputEmail lightning:formattedEmail
ui:outputNumber lightning:formattedNumber
ui:outputPhone lightning:formattedPhone
ui:outputRichText lightning:formattedRichText
ui:outputText lightning:formattedText
ui:outputTextArea lightning:formattedText
ui:outputURL lightning:formattedUrl
ui:radioMenuItem lightning:menuItem and lightning:buttonMenu
ui:menuFocusChange lightning:buttonMenu
ui:menuSelect lightning:combobox
ui:menuTriggerPress lightning:buttonMenu

Override Aura CSS Flipping for RTL Languages

When our Language setting in Salesforce is set to a right-to-left (RTL) language, the framework automatically flips property names, such as left and border-left to right and border-right respectively.
@noflip annotation gives power to override the automatic flipping for RTL languages in your custom Aura components.

 To override the automatic flipping, add a /*@noflip*/ annotation in a comment directly before the property. For example:

.THIS.mycontainer {
    /*@noflip*/ direction : rtl;

Navigate Users Directly to an App

We can now develop Lightning web components and Aura components that navigate users to a specific page in an app.
This change applies to Lightning Experience in all editions. This change doesn’t apply to Lightning Out, Lightning communities, or the Salesforce mobile app.

How to do this: 

Use the lightning-navigation Lightning web component or the lightning:navigation Aura component with the new standard__app page reference type.

  • To navigate users to an app, pass either the appId or appDeveloperName URL parameters to the appTarget.
  • To navigate users to a specific page in an app, include the pageRef attribute.

Reference : https://releasenotes.docs.salesforce.com/en-us/winter20/release-notes/rn_lc_message_channel.htm

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