Salesforce supports object initializer only for sObject and not for custom classes. This post will show how to implement Object Initializer in Salesforce Apex.
Cohesion and Coupling are essences of a good design process. The system should be decomposed into many modules to make it manageable for system changes. Projects which are well-designed are …
Cohesion and Coupling are essences of a good design process. The system should be decomposed into many modules to make it manageable in system changes. Projects which are well-designed are …
We have two approaches to build web applications in current time: Traditional web applications and Single page applications (SPAs). Traditional web applications perform most of the application logic on the server side whereas single page …
The Liskov Substitution Principle states that subtypes must be substitutable for their base types. In order to substitute work, child class must not Remove base class behavior Violate base class …
Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification. According to this principle, component should be Open to ExtensionNew behavior can be added in …
According to Wikipedia the Dependency Inversion Principle (popularized by Robert Martin) states that: High Level Modules should not be depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions. Abstraction …
SRP states, “An object should have only one reason to change”. If an object has more than one reason to change then it has more than one responsibility and is …
SOLID Design Principle is a collection of best-practice,object-oriented design principles which can be applied to your application design. This allow us to accomplish various desirable goals such as loose-coupling, higher …
Singleton Design Pattern is used when we want to ensure that only one object of a particular class need to be created. All other objects will refer that object to get values. This …
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